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Open from Other Apps

You can open ChatWise from other apps by using the chatwise:// protocol.

Open a chat

# open an existing chat

# open a new chat

You can right-click on a chat in the sidebar and select "Copy App URL" to copy the URL of that chat to the clipboard.

Open a chat with options:

# set the input

You can also use a prompt:

inputContent of the input box, optional.
promptPrompt (ID) to use, optional. See prompts for how to create your own prompts.
assistantAssistant (ID) to use, optional.
modelChange the model ID for this chat, optional. How to get the id
instructionChange the system instruction for this chat, optional.
filesAdd one or multiple files (absolute path), optional. e.g. ?file=/file/a.jpg&file=/file-b.jpg

Use with Popclip

Popclip shows a popup menu with useful actions when you select some text in any app.

Here's an example of Popclip extension that uses ChatWise, you can use it as a reference to create your own extension. Install popclip and then select the following text to add it as an extension:

identifier: app.chatwise.PopClipExtension
name: ChatWise
  name: ChatWise
  check installed: true
  bundle identifiers:
    - app.chatwise
  - title: Ask
    url: chatwise://chat?input=***
  - title: Summarize
    url: chatwise://chat?input=***&prompt=summarize
  - title: Translate
    url: chatwise://chat?input=***&prompt=translate

This extension adds three actions to the popup menu:

  • Ask: Open a new chat with the selected text as the input.
  • Summarize: Open a new chat with the selected text as the input, and use the summarize prompt.
  • Translate: Open a new chat with the selected text as the input, and use the translate prompt.